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A Social-First Creative Agency


How Hong Kong Marketers Can Win Over Mainland Chinese Visitors on Xiaohongshu?

Xiaohongshu has become a powerful tool for understanding Mainland Chinese visitor preferences, with over 300 million monthly users sharing insights on brands, destinations, and services. For Hong Kong marketers, this platform offers a unique opportunity to connect with Chinese travelers, build brand loyalty, and tap into the trends that resonate most. Discover how your brand can leverage Xiaohongshu to enhance visibility and engage a valuable audience.

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Rudi Leung

Threads,被譽為「X 殺手」(Twitter Killer),目前已成為全球增長最快的社交媒體平台,尤其在香港及台灣迅速崛起。隨著用戶數量在2024年8月突破1.9億,Threads吸引了大量活躍用戶,特別是年輕的Gen Z群體,成為社交媒體的新勢力。調查顯示,香港用戶每天多次登入Threads,以娛樂、八卦及了解熱門話題為主,而大部分用戶更偏好簡短、有力的文字內容。品牌在進駐Threads時需注意本地化策略,並利用平台的高黏性建立與消費者的緊密聯繫。此報告深入分析了香港用戶的行為模式,為品牌提供了實用的營銷建議,幫助他們在這個新興平台上搶佔先機。透過這份報告,了解如何有效利用Threads提升品牌曝光度,與消費者進行真實、貼近的互動,成為社交媒體市場中的贏家。

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Rudi Leung
Threads and the City | Survey Insights

Threads, formerly known as Twitter, was quickly hailed as the "Twitter killer" and has swiftly become the fastest-growing social media platform globally. As of Jan 2024, Threads boasts around 160 million users worldwide.

Despite Twitter's historically lukewarm reception in the Chinese social media market, Threads has successfully garnered a significant active user base in Hong Kong, which is a notable accomplishment over a year after its global launch.

In a twist of events, many Hong Kong users have even begun using Threads (mainly in Cantonese) as an alternative to local forums, with some claiming it has surpassed the popularity of LIHKG, one of the most well-known forums in the city.

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